My Recently Visited Services

Use this form for non-academic and non-Workday related requests.

Requests related to Brandeis Accounts that do not fit into other services.

Requests related to computers open to use for the Brandeis Community

Requests related to Virus or Malware Protection on Brandeis-Owned Devices

Requests related to resetting your Brandeis Account and Brandeis Email Password

Requests related to Brandeis Gmail and Shared Mail Accounts (a.k.a. Delegated Mail Accounts)

Requested related to the 25Live Pro Room and Event Scheduling System

Requests related to Software installation and troubleshooting.

Requests related to Brandeis University Two-Factor Authentication Application

Requests related to Cisco Softphones (Jabber)

Requests related to Creating Brandeis Account

Requests related to Brandeis Google Groups

Requests related to the Brandeis Learning Management System (LATTE/Moodle)

For requests related to the WorkdayStudent function such as Registration, Financial Aid, etc.

Requests related for connecting to the Brandeis Internet Network

Requests related to the Brandeis VPN (Ivanti)

Requests related to cybersecurity issues

Requests related about the LastPass Password Manager

Requests related to Brandeis WhoCards (ID Cards) like the GET Mobile App and Printing Refunds

Requests related to Box, Google Drive, and File Shares (Network Shares)

Requests related to Brandeis Google Calendar

Requests related to the Brandeis Secure Shell (SSH) Service or Servers

Requests related to accessing Additional Google Services with your Brandeis Account like Youtube and Google Maps

For requests related to integrating Workday with third-party applications and for support of current integrations.

For requests related to Workday reporting