Issues related to devices (laptops, PCs, printers, etc.) and/or software and files on these devices

Services (16)

Additional Google Services

Requests related to accessing Additional Google Services with your Brandeis Account like Youtube and Google Maps

Business Intelligence and Analytics Software

Requests related to the Tableau Business Intelligence and Analytics Software

Computer Purchases

Requests related to purchasing computers for personal and/or departmental use

Device Repair

Requests related to repairing Brandeis-Owned and Student-Owned Computers.

Electronics Disposal

Requests related to recycling electronic properly

File Sharing and Cloud Storage

Requests related to Box, Google Drive, and File Shares (Network Shares)

ID Card Management

Requests related to Brandeis WhoCards (ID Cards) like the GET Mobile App and Printing Refunds

Internet Connection

Requests related for connecting to the Brandeis Internet Network

Office Productivity Suite

Requests related to Microsoft Office and the Google Suite Equivalent services like Docs and Sheets

Printer Support

Requests related to Printers located around the Brandeis Campus

Public Computing

Requests related to computers open to use for the Brandeis Community

Remote Application Service (AppStream)

Requests related to getting access to Amazon AppStream for ArcGIS courses


Requests related to Cisco Softphones (Jabber)

Software Installation and Troubleshooting

Requests related to Software installation and troubleshooting.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Requests related to the Brandeis VPN (Ivanti)

Web Conferencing (Zoom)

Requests related to Zoom and Zoom Webinars