Popular Services

Requests related to the Brandeis Learning Management System (Moodle)

Requests related to Brandeis Accounts that do not fit into other services.

Requests related to Brandeis University Two-Factor Authentication Application

Use this form for non-academic and non-Workday related requests.

For general Workday requests and requests that don’t fit into a single functional area.

Requests related to Brandeis Gmail and Shared Mail Accounts (a.k.a. Delegated Mail Accounts)

Requests related to requesting general assistance from Division of Science Technicians

Requests related to Brandeis High Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC)

For requests related to Workday security and access to Workday tenants

Requests related to Box, Google Drive, and File Shares (Network Shares)

Requests related for connecting to the Brandeis Internet Network

Request related to A/V Classroom Support

Requests related to Cisco Softphones (Jabber)

For requests related to Workday reporting

Requests related to the Brandeis VPN (Ivanti)

Requests related to accessing Additional Google Services with your Brandeis Account like Youtube and Google Maps

Requests related to Zoom and Zoom Webinars

For requests related to the WorkdayStudent function such as Registration, Financial Aid, etc.

For requests related to Payroll Services from the Payroll team like paychecks

Requests related about alumni Brandeis Accounts or ITS support of those accounts like data migration.

Requests related to repairing Brandeis-Owned and Student-Owned Computers.

Requests related to Microsoft Office and the Google Suite Equivalent services like Docs and Sheets

Event spaces, conference rooms, and any other spaces with installed A/V equipment

Requests related to reporting errors or asking assistance on updating Brandeis website.

Requests related to purchasing computers for personal and/or departmental use